Month: June 2013


Hanging On Nothing

A world map published by the National Geographic Society has this notation: “Earth’s mass is 6.6 sextillion tons.” And what supports all that weight? Nothing. The planet we inhabit spins on its axis at 1,000 miles per hour as it hurtles through space in its orbit around the sun. But it’s easy for that to remain unnoticed in the midst of our daily concerns about health, relationships, and how to pay the bills.

drowned by love

One of my deep joys as a pastor has been to baptize both of my sons. I have a picture taken just before I went into the baptismal pool with one of my boys. I’m crouched down, eye-to-eye. I don’t remember what I was saying, but I remember the tears. God was pouring grace on my son, and my church was welcoming him into its fold.

Greedy Birds

Every year when I put out the hummingbird feeder, the busy little birds start battling for position. Even though there are four places at the “table,” the birds fight for whatever place one of their neighbors is using. The source of food at each place is the same—

Reflection on “Seconds”

Written by Benjamin Smith, Perth, Western Australia As I sit deep in thought, In my family’s lounge room, My attention is drawn to an old pendulum clock. I spend time and thought reflecting on this clock, Reflecting on time itself. As the pendulum swings from side to side, The chime goes tick, tock, tick, tock, [...]

we are family

We often say in the church that we’re a family, and we address each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. But what does that really mean? What implications does the word family hold?

Reflection on “Seconds”

Written by Benjamin Smith, Perth, Western Australia As I sit deep in thought, In my family’s lounge room, My attention is drawn to an old pendulum clock. I spend time and thought reflecting on this clock, Reflecting on time itself. As the pendulum swings from side to side, The chime goes tick, tock, tick, tock, [...]

The implications of placing anything above our love for the Lord

If you were to make a list of the things you love most, what items would be at the top of the list? We’re talking about what we treasure.

Finding comfort in God’s arms following an unexpected tragedy–Jan’s Story

Like any parent, Jan had hopes and dreams for her daughter Cheri’s future. But when Cheri entered college, she moved farther and farther away from her relationship with God. Hear one parent’s story of faith as her prodigal daughter searched to find her way home. Find more of what the Bible says about “how can...

Rock Of Refuge

One year during my vacation, I walked along the shoreline of a large lake. As I approached a pile of boulders, I noticed a small alcove between the rocks and observed that a tiny plant had taken root there. The plant appeared to be absorbing the right amount of sunlight and water, and it was also getting something else: protection.


Walls are designed to keep people safe. But walls also divide, keeping people apart. The 96-mile (155 km) Berlin Wall kept the East Germans in. The Great Wall of China, which was believed to be 5,500 miles long (8,850 km) and is now estimated to be 13,170 miles long (21,196 km), kept enemies out.

Let’s take an honest look at what Jesus had to say about money and possessions

Some people claim that God wants everyone to be rich, healthy, and happy. But a closer look at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount shows that assumption is off base.

Play In Pain

Baseball Hall-of-Fame catcher Gary Carter was a follower of Jesus. During his 19-year career, he drew strength and endurance from his faith in God to compete day after day. In an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal shortly after Carter died of brain cancer at age 57, writer Andrew Klavan told how Carter had influenced his life.

My Utmost for His Highest

. . . do you love Me? . . . Tend My sheep —John 21:16

Jesus did not say to make converts to your way of thinking, but He said to look after His sheep, to see that they get …


Watch me, Mom!” On any given day, these words resonate through our house as our kids seek to entertain us or attempt a new skill. Sharing moments of accomplishment with those who believe in us and stand ready to encourage our next endeavor is a beautiful thing. Lately, as my husband and I are going through a test of faith in our ministry lives, I have become aware that God is calling me to act in such a way that I can say to my children, “Watch me.”

Social Media Fuels Our Discontent?

By Lau Jue Hua, Singapore Apparently, Facebook could make you feel discontented with your life. Researchers from two German universities surveyed 600 students regarding their feelings after using Facebook. More than one-third of the respondents feel worse after visiting friends’ pages. They cited predominantly negative feelings of anger, exhaustion, frustration, and irritation. Thirty percent considered [...]

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